Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Price I Must Pay

shin splintsplural of shin splints

Acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard surfaces.
I find this hilarious- "prolonged running" HA HA  I haven't done ANY running yet.  But I have been experiencing the pain of shin splints when I walk.  It is enough to make me want to hang up my "running" shoes, throw in the towel AND give up the ghost.  But alas I keep reminding myself that I will not get what I want if I do.  So endure the pain I will in order to get the end result.  Nothing in life worth having wasn't received without pain- I just look at my 2 wonderful girls to remind me of that.  My end desires are worth the shin splints.  The finish line is worth the daily battle with my old montra- "I just don't want to do it." 
 Well "I just don't want to do it" is exactly what has gotten me here- overweight and unhealthy.  It is my easy out, my "go to" excuse and it is so familiar, it is automatic.  So of course this is the first thing I have to battle each day.  Some days it wins, but most it doesn't.   When I can finally jostle the "Just Do It" to win out over the "I just don't want to do it", and head out to walk, I am confronted with a constant reminder, with each step, that "I JUST DON'T WANT TO DO IT." Walking with pain from your knee to your ankle is unpleasant and I will leave it at that.  
I know I sound like a whiny baby and I try very hard not to be too whiny and bitchy about it, sometimes it seeps out, particularly to my besties and mostly to my cheerleader- Shannon- bless you!  Sometimes I just want to smack myself and spew out those cliche's- "Quitya bitchin", "Put on your big girl panties" blah blah blah.  But then I remind myself that this is my journey, no one else's so if I want to bitch about it, I darn well will HA HA, I will try to keep the seepage down to a minimum.
Ok enough of that-
I don't know what I am going to do about my shin pain- I have done the exercises, iced them and even tried different shoes- which resulted in less shin pain but very sore feet, as they were not even walking shoes.  I was a little encouraged that the pain wasn't as bad as the previous 2 walks.  I am going to wear my "running" shoes to training tomorrow morning (SOOOO not looking forward to getting out of bed at 7 on a Sunday morning) and see if they are better or worse.  And then,..... I will take it from there- if my shins are improving then I will pick up the pace and start working harder.  If not, then, well not really sure.  I will continue to push through the pain and walk but it is slowing me down considerably and if it doesn't get any better eventually, it will effect race day :(  I am not going to think anymore about it tho cause I make a habit of NOT worrying about something that hasn't happened yet.  It is wasted worry. 

Until then,
Icing The Shins


  1. I'll be your cheerleader too! U got this! When I first started I had shin pain too and I think it was due to my size & the fact that I had been a couch tater for so long... A good pair of running shoes with lots of cushion & support are key! Keep moving fwd

  2. Thanks!! I love my new running shoes so I hope they are not the problem! I appreciate your support, means a lot!!! As my mother always says "this, too, shall pass."

  3. Shin splits are a big pain, literally. Does it hurt on the inside or outside of your shins? Ice ice ice. Also, invest in compression socks or sleeves. Those things are MAGIC and fixed my husband's shin splints in no time. Foam roll/stick and STRETCH your calves like crazy. And whatever you do, don't stop doing those strengthening exercises.

    Yeah, they hurt but they aren't permanent. You can fix them and work through it!! You can do it!!

  4. Thanks!!! Great tips. They are getting better which is good! I wish I didn't love my bed and sleeping so much. I know I can't get up any earlier to walk :(
