Saturday, March 23, 2013


If you read my blog then you know that I am really good at pointing out my weaknesses.  I embrace them and learn from them.  This week I learned the power of consistency.  Yet another thing I struggle with in my daily like.  I am pretty much consistent about nothing... except putting my pink robe on at the end of the work day- yup pretty consistent about that!
I am not consistent in keeping my house straight, lack it at work most days, can't keep myself on a schedule to save my life.  This is probably why I can't be bothered with weighing and measuring foods, and only being able to eat certain things.  Any fad diet is the death of me.  If someone told me I could only eat these certain things or I had to avoid this and that, I would say forget it.  It just doesn't work for me.  I have to be able to go out and get a big pile of nachos at happy hour if I want.  I have learned that if I do those things then I just have to make adjustments to whatever else I eat that day or add in another vigorous workout.  Not much to that in my mind.  But saying that I can't have something is pretty much the death of me.
Anyway, I digress....  So this week I learned the power of being consistent, as hard as it was for me.
I logged in 4 workouts this week, which is pretty good for me! On the treadmill, I even stepped up my workout a bit making sure to run a half mile each time.  I was pretty darn proud of myself.  The first one was hard and my legs were really sore but with each one, it got so much easier- see it's the power of being consistent!
This morning I got up and decided for a run outside because the weather was really nice!  I didn't even have my usual "I don't really want to do this" banter as I headed out the door.  I was actually looking forward to it!  WHAT?  did I just say that???
This time I pushed myself to run even more.  My cheerleader, Shannon, has been encouraging me to do intervals, and even tho I have an app that keeps track of the interval time, I just haven't done it.  Maybe it's an ADD thing, or yet another thing I have to keep track of. I don't know why but I just haven't. Today I decided to find what works for me and sort of make a game out of it.  I walked to the top of the street and then said, "Ok now run until the end of this street."  When I did that, I said, "Ok now walk to that mailbox."  When I got to the mailbox I picked another location to run to.  It worked out pretty well and I ran for longer portions of my trek.  It felt really good and I didn't even feel any soreness in my legs.  
Those rare moments of greatness are wonderful but today, because I have been more consistent in my workouts this week, I was able to accomplish something even greater!
I am so close to losing 30 pounds that I can taste it!! (and no it doesn't taste like a cheeseburger or vanilla milkshake.  It tastes like nothing I have even tasted before and it is amazing).  I am so determined to get these last 9 pounds off and will continue to be consistent in my workouts and counting calories until they are gone and my first goal is reached!  Watch me!
Until then,
Look out! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Follow Through Follow up

Well it's been a little over a week since my last post and I am happy to say that I did really well with following through!  If I said I was going to walk, I did.  I even ran a bit too and worked my way up to running .5 on the treadmill tonight!  I ran for a mile one time and then haven't been able to do it since.  I would have gone farther tonight but I forgot my sports bra (enough said).
I also started a workout challenge with my friend, Deb this week.
A college friend of mine, Vicki Sorensen, developed a game- Fitness Challenge.  Years ago she came out with the board game version and has now developed an app- here is a link to information about it- 
So Deb and I have a 6 week challenge where we earn points for each day we exercise more 30 minutes or more.  It has really helped me stay accountable, which we all know is key for me.
I am pretty proud of myself this week and feel like I have done really well, however, the scale has not been my friend.  While I haven't gained, I have also not lost.  I am on a new medication and I have a feeling that it is hindering my weight loss.  I am not discouraged tho because I can feel the difference in my body so that is great!  I try not to be a slave to the scale but I do have to weigh myself everyday or I will trick myself into believing I am doing better than I am- it's another accountability thing with me.  I have learned the ups and downs of the scale and don't put too much "weight" on it- haaa punny!

I am keeping on keeping on and all that good stuff and I know it will come off eventually!
This week I am going to be better about logging in all of my calories on the My Fitness Pal app.  I have not been consistent with it and my new goal is to log everything this week!  So we will see how that goes :)
I really keep forgetting just how good I feel when I get off that treadmill- I really do feel great and I have to keep reminding myself that everyday when I go through the mental battle, which goes something like this: "I should walk tonight, but I don't want to.  I guess I will, maybe later.  Maybe I can just do it tomorrow.  But I need to tonight.  I know I really should.  Ok in just a few more minutes.  But I don't want to.  But I need to."  BLAH BLAH BLAH
It is all a mental battle- the food, the exercise, the daily struggle to stay on track.  I am learning how best to combat it and so far I think I am winning... for now.  Every week is different.  I wonder what this week will hold?
Until then,
"I am trying with perfect faith" - GDG

Friday, March 8, 2013

Follow Through

In the words of my favorite singer, "You'll have to follow through with every word you say."  Now this is written in a love song but it also applies to my life right now.  Having a bit of a hard time following through.  There is a big disconnect between the things that I say and the things that I do. I know it, I feel it and I have to change it.
Just like the meaning behind Gavin's song, in every relationship you have to follow through with the things you say that you are going to do.  It's not good enough to just say you are going to do something, you have to actually do them.  My relationship with weight loss is no different.  Every day I wake up and say, I am going to count every calorie today, I am going to run on the treadmill when I get home.  Most days I am lucky to get close to thinking about maybe doing those things, I lack the follow through.  It sounds so easy doesn't it?  Well it's not, at least not for me who routinely gives myself an out for many many things.  Laundry?  Yup I can do that tomorrow.  Wash those dishes in the sink?  Well I sure don't care if they sit there until morning.  I have perfected the art of NOT following through sadly.  Probably the only area of my life that I am really good at following through is in a relationship and since I don't have that in my life right now, I have to learn how to apply that to all those other areas of my life starting now!
You see, I am going to see Gavin Degraw in concert again on July 11th in Virginia Beach and I have every incentive in the world to get another 15 or more pounds off by then!  I am meeting up with some friends from across the east coast and it will be summer so I will want to buy a new outfit, and if I buy a new outfit, I will want to look good in that outfit. And please do not give this mouse a cookie :)
So it is time I get my shit together and start following through with every word I say!
According to my new countdown app, I have 124 days until July 11th- it's a good thing I walked on the treadmill tonight!  I did manage to get in a little over a mile! So this week is going to be "follow through" week and if I say I am going to do it, then I will do it!  I will report in next Friday and let you know how it went!
Until then,
"These reeling emotions they just keep me alive, they keep me in tune." -GDG