Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I am not a doctor, I just play one on this blog.

This weather is amazing and for once I actually WANT to go out and walk.  But I can't :(  After playing doctor online I think I found my problem- Anterior Tibialis Tendonitis- Which is a fancy name for pain at the front of the ankle.  It is cause by overuse or that muscle.  Everything I read that described the symptoms are dead on.  Here is a link if you want to play pretend doctor too -  http://www.physioadvisor.com.au/8183750/tibialis-anterior-tendonitis-tibialis-anterior-t.htm

So instead of jumping up and down and shouting- "YES I don't have to walk anymore!!" I have actually decided to take a few days off, rest my ankle, do some ankle stretches and icing and keep moving forward.  There is no way that I am ready to give this up yet!  Simply because the pain of being fat far outweighs the pain of walking.

I took my shoes to work with me yesterday and they had a grand time!!  I walked back and forth and up and down the halls so many times that I think I got in a mini work out!  I was greatful that the pain did not return but am still fearful of walking at the exercise pace.  I have been consistant at about a 3.5 pace/speed which I am told is pretty fast but I have no way to gage it.  It is listed on the My Fitness Pal App as a brisk walk and I am usually pretty winded so I am guessing this is a good pace.

I did not walk yesterday or today, even though for some odd reason I actually wanted to.  I will try again tomorrow with our training group at Ft. McHenry and will try to keep my pace down and just pray and pray that the rest has decreased some of the pain.
 The devil is not getting me on this one either. 
On another note, I have found counting calories to be the answer for me.  I actually enjoy keeping track of what I eat and I try to make a game of it- let's see what I can eat and still stay in my calorie range and NOT feel deprived.  I cheated and got on the scale this morning and was amazed to see that I am another 2 pounds down already.  This weight is just flying off- which makes me all the more determined to keep at it, pain or no pain. The extra calories are just not worth it.  I do miss the calories gained by walking and the extra treats I can have as a result. Tomorrow it shall be ice cream!
Until then,
Eating a strawberry
Thanks to my cheerleader, Shannon, for these inspirational pics!  Keep 'em coming Shan!

1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed for tonight! Stay focused on the post workout ice cream!
