Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just Do it

I think I am a little bit in love with the Nike executive that came up with that slogan because that is exactly what got me off the front porch this morning, into my shoes and out the door.  Well that and a little prodding from my friend, Shannon. It was so cool out this morning that I was already contemplating going for a little walk when Shannon messaged me and said to "just do it".
 Without giving it much more thought, I took my shoes for a walk.  30 minutes, that's all- DONE!
Now here you would think that I came back from my walk all inspired and a changed person.  Hold on now, not so fast.  I walked for about half an hour- have no idea how far, but my pace was definitely brisk and was making a wide circle around the school.   At first I was sorta enjoying it, the birds, the scenery and the feeling that I could actually maybe enjoy this.  Then the sweat started, just a little at first but enough to make me panic and want to turn around and stop, until I realized I was about at the half way point, either direction I went I would be the same distance from home. I pushed on and tried to concentrate on the songs and the nature around me.  The sweat was starting to drip and about the time I reached the school my legs were starting the feel like jelly.  On the home stretch I was starting to feel good but was completely overcome by the knowledge that once I walked in the door the sweat would really start to pour.
I told myself that I was going to sit in the sweat for awhile, really feel it and know that it is ok, I can do this.  So here I sit, wiping sweat off my face and watching it drip on the table in front of the laptop.  I am not a happy camper but I know that I am going to have to get used to this sweating thing and learn to like it. 
So there you have it- my first "training session" if you will. Tomorrow maybe I will "just do it" again?? 
Time to shop for a good sweat band or running hat- my running "outfit" that I bought at Target makes me look like the Michelin man so that is going to be returned and I will stick to my oversized T-shirt and sweat capri's for now.
Until then,
Taking a shower

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