Saturday, February 16, 2013


I promise this post is not about Gavin Degraw!
Ok now on to other things.... I hate making promises.. especially to my daughters and most definitely not to myself.  I have learned far too many times that promises are very hard to keep and very easy to break.  Therefore, I do not make them often... and if I do, stand back because it has to be a sure deal.  One of those is when I promise a friend I will not tell anyone something they have asked not be shared.  I got the backend of that deal in college and have vowed to never do that to anyone.  
So I am not going to make any promises I know I may not be able to keep.  Throughout this journey I have not made any promises to myself, other than the fact that I would continue forward on this journey- however slow and long going it is.  This is different in my mind to making a goal- a goal is something you strive to achieve, a grasping point.  In my mind, if I am still on the path to my goal then I am just fine, it gives a barometer to measure myself and keep me accountable.  
I have stumbled along this journey many times and will continue to do so, but this PROMISE I have given myself- I will not jump off for good.  It may take me a long time to get there, there will be slow times and times that I want to give up, but I won't.  This is the best promise I can give myself, because I know I will keep it.
So I have signed up for the Baltimore Color Run in May.  It will be my third 5K and I am setting a goal to run 1 mile of it and walk the rest.  I am going to start training for in earnest this week.  I am happy again to be preparing for something, having a place to hold me accountable at the end.  I am even anticipating it more because there is a large group from work that are also going to do it and I couldn't be happier to have this experience with my co-workers.  The job may be stressful at times but I do love the people I work with.
So I will start posting about my preparations for the Color Run but I can't promise that....oh wait I can't say because I already promised not to say....nevermind.
Until then,
I Got Nothin' - Darius Rucker 

Ok so while searching images for "promises" I came across this.... I think I just found my wedding band (for whenever and to whomever I get married again).


  1. I would love to "virtually" train with you! Can't believe how parallel our particular journeys are at this point in time. Talk about serendipity. Best of luck with your goals and enjoy each step of the way. As someone we know says, "See you on twitter ..."

  2. So exciting! I PROMISE to make you a training plan!
