Monday, February 18, 2013

Do you have a plan?

I have never been much of a planner or schedule follower.  I am more impulsive and unorganized.  I know, I know, this isn't a great combination for a teacher but I always found that my best lessons were loosely planned with changes as I went.  My mind just seems to work better that way.  I am mildly ADD so this could also explain alot. This is also not the best way to manage your life, but I am trying to make it work, or at least make it look like it is working.

So when it comes to devising a training plan for this 5K I am at a loss.  When I trained this fall it was with a trainer- the wonderfully awesome Alyssa, who also happens to be my Twilight Hunger Games loving friend and hallway bathroom break bestie at work.  Alyssa and our group followed a plan that wasn't devised by me so all I had to do was follow it.   It was simple- be here at such and such a time and do this.  It worked for me.
Well there is no trainer, no group this time- it is on me.  My cheerleader, Shannon has given me a plan for doing 30/30 intervals which I am going to start with.  Alyssa has also PROMISED to give me a schedule!  My friends sure know me!!  The biggest problem will be accountability.  When I knew I had to meet the group at Fort McHenry even on Sunday at the awful hour of 8:30am I got up and went.  I was accountable to other people as well as myself.
I am a bit concerned that this time the accountability factor is going to be an issue for me.  I am trying to keep a positive outlook on it but knowing myself too well, I will have a hard time.
I guess this is the next step in the transformation for me- the ability to hold myself accountable and not rely on other people to do it for me.  It will be difficult for me but I am going to wrap my head around it and dig in.  I know I can do it, I did it before and I know the results are more than worth it.
So today I will walk/run for 30 minutes.  I will start out doing 30/30 intervals and see how I feel and perhaps run a bit more. 
I am going to schedule my runs this week, which I haven't done for months.  I will run today for 30 minutes, walk tomorrow for 20 minutes, run on Wednesday, take Thursday as a rest day, and and run one day over the weekend.  Given my schedule this week there is no reason that I won't be able to do it.  I also know that my cheerleader, Shannon, will check in with me and get my butt out of the chair if I am unmotivated (she scares me sometimes LOL  just kidding Shannon!) 
Ok my head is on straight, I have my plan, my mind is set.... now I just have to get my legs to cooperate with my brain!
Until then,
Still paying bills

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