Monday, January 14, 2013


I had my goals meeting with my administration today, where we would discuss my job and how things are going, as well as future plans.  During the conversation I wanted to tell them that I felt like I wasn't pushing myself enough to try new things and I was feeling a little too comfortable.  I was searching for the right word and settled on the word complacent as my choice.  
I have felt very settled in my job this year and as far as my lessons go, I don't think I am working too hard on them or branching out to try new things with the students.  I was thinking at first of feeling burnt out, but that didn't seem right either, because I really do love my job.  I have been thinking all evening if "complacency" the right word choice.
Well after my mile walk today (yes I only did a mile) I was thinking about my journey and my eating and exercising habits and why it is so much harder for me now than in July when I started.  The word that popped into my head again was complacent.  I chuckled to myself when I realized that I had used the same word about my job.  In reality, I wasn't sure I was using the word correctly so I went to Google and got some pretty interesting definitions. 
com·pla·cen·cy (k m-pl s n-s ). n. 1. A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy
Contented to a fault; self-satisfied . 2. Definition of complacent: Contented, yet unconcerned, and uneager to improve or change eager to please.

Now I am still not sure if this is the word that I was looking for.  Part of it feels right.  I guess with both my job and this journey I am a little too comfortable, I am taking the easy road in some respects, I feel content.  Does this sound like being complacent?  I still am not sure.  The big question is, am I unwilling to change, uneager to improve?  With my job, I am not so sure, some days yes, others no.  Now, with my weight loss adventure,  I AM willing to change, eager to improve.  The problem then becomes, how to get my motivation and focus back to keep going as I was.  I don't want to let it all go and get complacent, but it is so much harder than it was in July (ok Alyssa would probably disagree with me on that one) but it FEELS harder.
"Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," Said the Sloth" is what it really feels like- my inner slovenly sloth is resting on her rose colored bed and sighing peacefully.
So how do I change that and kick it back up a notch?  (Don't think I don't know the answer to this, I just like asking, hoping that maybe one day the answer will be different, easier.  But I know it won't).  Trudge on my friend, trudge on.
Ok not sure if you kept up with all that, I am not sure if I even did.  I have been craving deep conversations lately (missing my friend, Kevin for that) and guess I "went deep" on this one. (Alyssa again is going to have something to say about that one, but for different reasons LOL) So thanks for reading my rambling, stream of consciousness post.  I promise to keep the next one light.
Until then,
Trudging on

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