Saturday, March 23, 2013


If you read my blog then you know that I am really good at pointing out my weaknesses.  I embrace them and learn from them.  This week I learned the power of consistency.  Yet another thing I struggle with in my daily like.  I am pretty much consistent about nothing... except putting my pink robe on at the end of the work day- yup pretty consistent about that!
I am not consistent in keeping my house straight, lack it at work most days, can't keep myself on a schedule to save my life.  This is probably why I can't be bothered with weighing and measuring foods, and only being able to eat certain things.  Any fad diet is the death of me.  If someone told me I could only eat these certain things or I had to avoid this and that, I would say forget it.  It just doesn't work for me.  I have to be able to go out and get a big pile of nachos at happy hour if I want.  I have learned that if I do those things then I just have to make adjustments to whatever else I eat that day or add in another vigorous workout.  Not much to that in my mind.  But saying that I can't have something is pretty much the death of me.
Anyway, I digress....  So this week I learned the power of being consistent, as hard as it was for me.
I logged in 4 workouts this week, which is pretty good for me! On the treadmill, I even stepped up my workout a bit making sure to run a half mile each time.  I was pretty darn proud of myself.  The first one was hard and my legs were really sore but with each one, it got so much easier- see it's the power of being consistent!
This morning I got up and decided for a run outside because the weather was really nice!  I didn't even have my usual "I don't really want to do this" banter as I headed out the door.  I was actually looking forward to it!  WHAT?  did I just say that???
This time I pushed myself to run even more.  My cheerleader, Shannon, has been encouraging me to do intervals, and even tho I have an app that keeps track of the interval time, I just haven't done it.  Maybe it's an ADD thing, or yet another thing I have to keep track of. I don't know why but I just haven't. Today I decided to find what works for me and sort of make a game out of it.  I walked to the top of the street and then said, "Ok now run until the end of this street."  When I did that, I said, "Ok now walk to that mailbox."  When I got to the mailbox I picked another location to run to.  It worked out pretty well and I ran for longer portions of my trek.  It felt really good and I didn't even feel any soreness in my legs.  
Those rare moments of greatness are wonderful but today, because I have been more consistent in my workouts this week, I was able to accomplish something even greater!
I am so close to losing 30 pounds that I can taste it!! (and no it doesn't taste like a cheeseburger or vanilla milkshake.  It tastes like nothing I have even tasted before and it is amazing).  I am so determined to get these last 9 pounds off and will continue to be consistent in my workouts and counting calories until they are gone and my first goal is reached!  Watch me!
Until then,
Look out! 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Those times that you actually look forward to running/working out are the BEST. I agree, it's amazing how consistent I am at putting on my pjs the second I walk in the door after work.
