Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Truth and Progress

"We don't get to choose what is true.  We only get to choose what we do about it."
I read this is a book and immediately copied it down and thought just how many things I can apply this to in my life.  I was overweight and unhealthy- truth.  For too long I didn't do anything but complain about it and hope it would change, but truth is funny like that- it doesn't change just because we want it to.  The only thing I had control over was what I was going to do about it.
And it has been hard there is no doubt about it.  This journey is not about it being easy, it is about changing my truth.  What do I want my truth to be next July- that was the driving motivation for me when I started, still is.
The only way I am going to get there is step by step progress.  It may not be pretty, it certainly won't be perfect but as long as there is progress then I am on the right path.

Today I saw that progress.
I had not walked for 2 or 3 days and I knew that I had to walk tonight and I was actually looking forward to it.  My routine has been to watch The Ellen Show while I walk 2.5 miles and it takes me about 45 minutes to do both.  After walking for a few minutes, I decided to run for a bit.  I have done some 30/30 intervals recently and the last time I walked, I ran for 3 minutes straight.  I decided today to push it to 5 minutes since my shin splints are not bothering me and I just knew I could do it.  Plus I really wanted to text my cheerleader, Shannon, and tell her I ran for 5 minutes.  HA that's motivation.
I did it- ran at a speed of 3.7 for 5 minutes.  I remember when I first started walking on the treadmill my speed was between 2.7 and 3.0 and I have been slowly increasing it and was able to stay around 3.7 for about 10 minutes (running for 5) before I took it down to 3.2 and then 3.0 for the rest of the walk.  Now THAT is progress.
I remember very well back to August when I could barely walk for 5 minutes without my shins hurting and wanting to give up.  Now I am running for 5 minutes.  I think the first time I ran, it was for a minute and I thought I was going to die.
Progress is made in steps, literally, and each step is toward a goal.  Keeping my eye on the prize and never refusing to give up!  I have 4 more pounds to lose before I reach 20 pounds gone and I am hoping to lose them by Christmas- that gives me 7 days.  Not totally impossible but I am also not setting myself up for failure- ANY loss will be progress and I will be happy and any way you look at it- the progress I have made since starting this journey in July is a Christmas miracle!
My truth is that I am making progress.  What I am choosing to do about it is to continue to make progress!
Until then,
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas


  1. Seriously every time I read I think back to being on the shuttle bus in San Diego and you laughing in my face when I told you to join a 5K group. That is a HUGE accomplishment! That's the great thing about running - if you stick with it, you are guaranteed to see the progress. What's in July?

  2. July is when I started so this July will be a year. This is a year long journey- really a life journey but I am starting with a year- to see where I will be in a year.
